Wind-Up Combos

This is the detailed version of what I have posted previously, so here it goes:

  • Magician + Shark = Zenmaity + Papilloperative + Coat of Arms + any Rank 3 (Originally Zenmaity, Papilloperative + Shock Ruler
    1. NS Magician A SS Shark A 
    2. SS Magician B(Magician A eff)
    3. Shark A decrease level, SS Rat - (Field: Magician x2, Shark A, Rat A)
    4. Xyz 2 Magician into Papillo turn Rat attack mode, SS Magician(Rat eff) - (Field: Papillo, Shark A lv 3, Rat A, Magician)
    5. Xyz Rat & Shark into Zenmaity, SS Shark B(Zenmaity eff), SS Shark C/Magician C (Magician eff) - (Field: Papillo, Zenmaity, Shark x2 & Magician/Magician x2 & Shark)
    6. Xyz Sharks & Magicians into Coat of Arms, SS Rat B(Coat of Arms copy zenmaity) - (Field: Papillo, Zenmaity, Coat of Arms, Rat B)
    7. SS Shark (Rat B eff), Xyz Rat & Shark into Rank 3

  • Magician + Shark = Zenmaity + Invoker + Coat of Arms + any Rank 4/5 (Invoker + Warrior required)
    1. NS Magician A SS Shark A
    2. SS Magician B(Magician A eff)
    3. Shark A decrease level, SS Shark B - (Field: Magician x2, Shark A, Rat A)
    4. Xyz Sharks into Zenmaity, SS Rat A, SS Shark A(Rat eff) - (Field: Zenmaity, Rat A, Shark A, Magcian A, Magician B)
    5. Xyz Shark & Magicians into Coat of Arms, SS Rat B(Coat of Arms copy zenmaity), SS Shark A(Rat eff) - (Field: Zenmaity, Coat of Arms, Rat A, Rat B, Shark A)
    6. Xyz Rats into Invoker, SS Warrior(Invoker eff) - (Field: Zenmaity, Coat of Arms, Invoker, Warrior, Shark A)
    7. Warrior + Shark either lv up and Xyz rank 5 or remain and Xyz rank 4

  • Magician + Shark 1+ Factory/Shark 2 = Zenmaity + Papilloperative + Coat of Arms + Rank 5
    • I don't think this needs to be explained right? lol

  •  Tour Guide + Shark = Zenmaity + Coat of Arms + Invoker + Rank 4/5
    1. NS TGU, SS TGU(TGU A eff)
    2. Xyz TGUs into Zenmaity, SS Magician A(Zenmaity eff), SS Shark A, SS Magician B(Magician A eff) - (Field: Zenmaity, Magician x2, Shark A)
    3. Shark A decrease level, SS Shark B - (Field: Zenmaity, Magician x2, Shark lv 3, Shark lv 4)
    4. Xyz Magicians & Shark into Coat of Arms, SS Rat A(Coat of Arms eff), SS Shark - (Field: Zenmaity, Coat of Arms, Shark lv 3, Rat A, Shark lv 4)
    5. Xyz Shark & Rat into Invoker, SS Warrior(Invoker eff) - (Field: Zenmaity, Coat of Arms, Invoker, Shark, Warrior)
    6. Warrior + Shark either lv up and Xyz rank 5 or remain and Xyz rank 4 

That's all for the current combos~


thanks for ur effort in clarifying the combos, there are some best monsters combination if achieved by ur way of thinking it would be devastating like
1- Utopia and ZW Lion Arms plus more monsters
2- Kachi Kochi and Giga-Brillant (easy done)
3- Abyss Dweller (TCG) and Bahamut Shark to bring either Leviathan or Black Ray Lancer
if the 3rd idea done it will make the Windup the most favourable deck in the meta LOL.


Isn't Invoker eff negated after it is being summoned after Coat of Arms?


Coat of arms only negate xyz that are on the field when it's summoned, those after that are not negated...


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