Deck Used:
Match 1: Vs. Glenn, Chaos Dragon - OXO
Game 1: Dragonfly got veiler-ed but my opponent failed to clear in and continue to do random OTK
Game 2: Got controlled + flooded with dragons on the field
Game 3: BLS + DAD
Match 2: Vs. Ball, Inzektor - OO
Game 1: Inzektor flood
Game 2: BLS
Top 16: Vs. Darren, Inzektor - OXX
Game 1: Randomly flood and randomly otk-ed
Game 2: Crow killed me
Game 3: Crow killed me again
Side event:
Rules was we can't change deck
Match 1: Vs. Jacob, Chaos Dragon - OO
Game 1: BLS flood
Game 2: DAD beatdown
Match 2: Vs. William, Rabbit Laggia - XOX
Same ending
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