Team Tournament Report 18/12/10

Team: We are late, Cos We Mon Hun
Alex(Six Samurai)
Me(Six Samurai)
Bahamut84(Debris Dandy)

Match 1: Vs. ???, Gravekeeper - OXO
Game 1: Flood field and kill
Game 2: got controlled and he had too much hand advantage...
Game 3: i got shien + 3 m/t, he left 2 cards becos earlier on he royal tributed me and i show him all m/t...
Team Score: OOX

Match 2: Vs. Timothy,Hero Beat - XOO
Game 1: I did not use warning on his cyber and died...
Game 2: Mizuho shinai couple loop
Game 3: shien control and won
Team Score: OOX

Match 3: Vs. Max, BF - OO
Game 1 & 2: Flood field and won.
Team Score: XOX

Match 4: Vs. the gravekeeper again! - OO
Game 1: Mizuho shinai loop
Game 2: Mizuho Shinai loop again!
Team Score: OOX

Match 5: Vs. Timothy AGAIN!,Hero Beat - OO
Game 1: Flood field
Game 2: Mizuho shinai loop
Team Score: OOX

Top 4: Vs. William, BF - OO
Game 1: Control
Game 2: He left 1300, I got morphing jar face down, warning and a gateway with 2 token. Then i flip morphing jar hoping it was a monster, in the end i drew dust tornado x3, 1 mst and 1 solemn judgment. Then i attack him with the jar. Warning his sirocco next turn, clear his whole back row and MORPHING JAR LASER BEAM ATTACK as finisher... LOL
Team Score: OOX

Finals: Vs. Max AGAIN!!,BF - OXO
Game 1: I start first, i open 2 gate 1 united searched the whole deck, flood field and 3 back row...
Game 2: Controlled and died.
Game 3: Shien control
Team Score: XOX

Conclusion: 2nd... It was double elim on that day, meaning the final team got 2 life... so i treat it as we lost on the 2nd life ba haha lol... Poor baha, scrubbed a whole month worth... I love to see bf fight against me lol... they struggle and struggle and sided alot of cards while i only sided 1 dust in =D


LOL Pro Laser beam attack :D


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