Tourney Report 13/08/10 ~ 14/08/10

Deck used: Gaeru- 1 kill

Match 1: Vs. ???,Lightsworn OXO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: He booked his judgment, i failed to stop him
Game 3: 5 trishula.

Match 2: Vs. Ds,Scrap - XOX
Game 1: failed hand
Game 2: FTK
Game 3: He got wiesel infinity on the field i cant draw my 2nd mass driver thus i died...

Match 3: Vs. Wee Ann,GB - OXO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: 5 cards set.. .gg\
Game 3: He scooped after accidently peeked through my hands when i drew mass driver... but my 2 ronintoadin was removed from game... LOL

Top 8: Vs. Sam, Gaeru 1 Kill - ???

Conclusion: Top 8...

Match 1: Vs. ???,Light Zombie - OO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: FTK

Match 2: Vs. Alex,BF - OO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: Trishula

Top 16: Vs. Zhan Hao,Machina Gadget - OXO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: Got Otk-ed
Game 3: 8 trishula... altho i dunno why i do so much... maybe testing my limits

Top 8: Vs. Yong Xiang,Infernity - XOO
Game 1: OTK
Game 2: FTK
Game 3: He start first but he only got 1 trishula and he did it on me... during my turn i do 5 on him...

Top 4: Vs. Leon,Dragunity - XX
Game 1: Got crowed and died...

3rd-4th: Vs. Bank,WWBF - OXO
Game 1: FTK
Game 2: Radiance + Oppression
Game 3: Trishula x5


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