Tourney Report 06/08/10 ~ 09/08/10

Sam: "Take back your frogs from mango and we play it for this week."
Me: "Okie"
and so I played frogs this whole week...

Deck Used: Gaeru 1 kill
Game 1: Vs. Ds, Scrap - XOX
Match 1: Got otk by 2 Ancient Gear Gadgetdragon and 1 scrap dragon
Match 2: Mass driver him
Match 3: Double crow and died...

Game 2: Vs. Cliff, BF - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver 1st turn
Match 2: 3 trishula

Game 3: Vs. Egoboy, Naturia - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver 1st turn
Match 2: 3 trishula

Game 4: Vs. Jonas, BF - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver
Match 2: 3 trishula

Game 5: Vs. Sam, Gaeru 1 Kill - --
Permenant sharing... I let him go up...

Conclusion: ??? I dunno what position I am in lol... RFG... I have good foresight, in the end Sam won.
Game 1: Vs. Chuan Zhi, Machina Gadget - XOX
I didn't get to fight him because I'm late waiting for sam...

Game 2: Vs. Ds, Scrap - OO
Match 1: Mass driver
Match 2: Trishula

Game 3: Vs. Anthony, Gigavise - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver
Match 2: Trishula x5

Conclusion: This tourney only have 3 rounds swiss even though there are 20+ ppl, which is totally not enuff! 10th place was the placing I got... zzz...
Game 1: Vs. Xiao Mei, BF - XOX
Match 1: BAD HAND
Match 2: Mass Driver
Match 3: She mind control and attacked me with shura and bora, next turn she brain control me and i died.

Game 2: Vs. Jeric, BF - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver
Match 2: Trishula

Game 3: Vs. Vishal, Froggy Monarch - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver
Match 2: Trishula

Top 7: Vs. ??? - OO
I only rmb that i match 1 mass driver match 2 trishula

Top 4: Vs. Yao Jie, MGS - OO
Match 1: Mass Driver
Match 2: Trishula

Top 2: Vs. Shifu, Lightsworn - --

Conclusion: 1st...
Match 1: Vs. Jeric, BF - OO
Game 1: Mass Driver
Game 2: Trishula

Match 2: Vs. Yong Jie, Lightsworn - OO
Game 1: Mass Driver
Game 2: Trishula

Top 16: Vs.???, Froggy Monarch - XX
Game 1: Mass Driver hand got crow-ed and effect veiler-ed.
Game 2: 2 Substitoad got veiler-ed twice... GG

Conclusion: Top 16... I sensed something strange the moment i 2-0 2 person during swiss... full win curse is unavoidable.


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