Tourney Results 28/11/09

Deck used: Magoneko
Game 1: vs. ??? GB XX
Round 1: I controlled him till he left 1400... a book of moon changed his whole life...
Round 2: Waiting for some auto-discards for kashi to kill that fucking father... wait till i died-edededededed

Game 2: Vs. Hong Li - GB XOO
Round 1: my opponent left 300 and i had a def mode goyo and an 10000 atk ancient holy wyvern... he used 1 proving ground and 1 laquari died, the chances he get to draw either those is very lil... he top decked the proving ground and let him survived with 100 and controlled me to death...
Round 2: He Left 3k and i used ceb and GK Descendant to hit him left 500 and Tempest Mag FTW!!!
Round 3: Naturia Beast whack and whack and whack and whack and whack and whack and whack and whack... he conceded...

Game 3: Vs. Forgot his name... - Hopeless Dragon 95% monster ver.
Round 1: I controlled him and he suddenly being able to kill me...
Round 2: Tempest + Arcane COOL!!
Round 3: I have been induced hopeless aura...

Conclusion: Fly up high and scrub...


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